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We often hear about artificial intelligence (AI), but for many it can seem complicated and hard to know where to start. That’s why the Artificial Intelligence and Tourism Working Group decided to create this guide. It’s here to help beginners understand the basics of AI and how it can be used in tourism.

The aim of this guide is to make AI more accessible and show how it can become a valuable tool for improving and transforming operations in the tourism sector. Whether you’re a small business or a large organization, this guide will help you seize the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.

We wanted to bring together all the information you need to understand artificial intelligence, its issues and its use in the world of tourism in one place, and although the guide is long, it has been written with AI simplicity in mind. A table of contents has been added to help you navigate and quickly find the information you need.

Enjoy your reading!

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Section 1: What is artificial intelligence?

Before looking at how to apply AI, it’s important to know what it is and what it isn’t. Since the end of 2022, the word AI has been used to represent just about anything for marketing purposes. It’s the new buzzword of the moment (there are even fridges with artificial intelligence now!).

Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In a nutshell, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. These systems are a vast collection of theories and techniques that aim to create machines capable of simulating human intelligence to perform a variety of tasks. These tasks include text and image generation, speech recognition, decision making and language translation.

In other words, AI enables machines to think, learn and perform tasks like humans.

How does it work?

AI works through machine learning algorithms and models that learn from data. You can think of it a bit like learning a new musical instrument: the more you practice, the better you get. AI works the same way.

The more data AI systems process, the more accurate and efficient they become. The learning process generally takes place in three stages:

  1. Data collection: The system collects information relevant to the task.
  2. Model training: Algorithms use this data to identify patterns and trends.
  3. Prediction and adjustment: The model predicts results and adjusts to new data to improve accuracy.

One of the most common approaches to building AI systems is the use of artificial neural networks, inspired by the workings of the human brain. These networks are made up of layers of artificial neurons that process and transmit information. The process begins by receiving inputs (e.g. images, text or audio data) which are then transformed and analyzed by several layers of neurons before producing an output (e.g. recognition of an object in an image or generation of text).

Let’s take the example of ChatGPT, a language processing model developed by OpenAI, to illustrate how AI works. ChatGPT uses a particular type of neural network called a “transform”, which is particularly effective for handling sequences of data, such as sentences or paragraphs of text. When you give ChatGPT a query, it analyzes words and phrases to understand the context and relationships between them. Then it generates output by predicting the next word that should appear, based on patterns it has learned from a large quantity of texts written by humans.

Language models

For a language model (LLM) like ChatGPT to be effective, it needs to be trained on a large dataset. This training process involves exposing the model to millions, if not billions, of examples of annotated data. For example, for a language processing model, this data could be books, blog posts, web pages, etc. The model uses these examples to learn grammatical structures, word meanings and the contexts in which they are used.

During training, the model adjusts its internal parameters to minimize errors in its predictions. This process is iterative and often requires significant IT resources. Once trained, the model can generate impressive and relevant results, even for inputs it has never seen before.

AI types

There are different types of AI, each with varied applications and technologies, divided into two major categories:

  • Generative AI: Generative AI creates content such as text, images or even videos. For example, ChatGPT can generate text, while MidJourney can create images from text descriptions.
  • Analytical AI: Analytical AI analyzes data to provide analyses and forecasts. Think of movie recommendation systems or news feeds on social networks that show you the content most relevant to you.

In short, AI is a powerful technology that enables machines to simulate human capabilities using machine learning algorithms and models. Whether it’s generating content, analyzing data or making decisions, AI offers innovative possibilities for improving various aspects of life and business, including tourism.

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Section 2: Demystifying fears about AI

Artificial intelligence is the subject of much discussion and, inevitably, some concern. It’s only natural to have questions and concerns about such a powerful and transformative technology.

In this section, we’ll explore the biggest AI fears and demystify them to help understand how the technology can be beneficial without being worrying.

Job loss

One of the most common concerns is that AI will replace human workers and lead to massive job losses. Some studies even predict that up to 40% of jobs could disappear.

However, AI is often not intended to replace humans, but rather to make their jobs easier. AI-automated tasks can indeed replace certain functions, but in the tourism sector, it’s hard to imagine that all a person’s functions could be totally replaced by a computer.

For example, technology may enable the sales person at a tourist attraction or hotel to reduce the number of emails they have to answer if some of them are handled by AI, but on the other hand, it risks enabling that same person to focus more on value-added tasks, such as making new sales, which require unique human skills.

It’s also important to note that AI is also creating new job opportunities. In tourism, AI can generate specialized positions such as tourism data analysts, developers of personalized chatbots for customer services, and user experience optimization experts who use data to improve services for visitors.

In short, there’s no doubt that AI will have an impact on employee functions and tasks. In the short term, in tourism, AI may not replace tons of jobs, but the people who use it may replace those who don’t.

Ethical issues

The use of AI raises a number of ethical questions that need to be addressed. These concerns are legitimate, and will need to be addressed on a global scale to ensure that the technology is used responsibly and beneficially. Here is a summary of the main ethical issues:

Data bias: AI systems are only as good as the data they’re trained on. If these data are biased, so are the results. For example, a recruitment algorithm trained on biased historical data can perpetuate existing discrimination, favoring certain groups to the detriment of others. This problem of bias can have serious consequences, notably by reinforcing stereotypes and inequalities.

Privacy: As AI systems become more sophisticated, the line between security and surveillance is blurring. The use of technologies such as facial recognition or smart home devices raises significant privacy and security concerns. For example, surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition can track the movements of individuals, posing risks of mass surveillance and invasion of privacy.

Transparency: All AI stakeholders – from developers to users – deserve to understand how AI systems make decisions. Transparency is essential to ensure that algorithms are not used maliciously. For example, in the financial sector, a lack of transparency in automated trading algorithms can lead to market manipulation or unexpected financial crises.

Responsibility: Whose responsibility is it when AI systems make decisions that have a significant impact on human life? Whether for autonomous vehicles or medical diagnostics, it’s essential to establish clear lines of responsibility. For example, if an autonomous car is involved in an accident, it is crucial to determine who is responsible: the manufacturer, the programmer, or the car’s owner?

All these issues are real, and will require discussion and action by governments around the world over the next few years. But governments aren’t the only ones who will have to take action, and both developers and users have their share of responsibility. For example, on our site, to demonstrate transparency in the use of AI, we make sure to mention any texts or images that have been created using artificial intelligence. We have also developed a code of ethics and adhere to the principles of the Montreal Declaration for the Responsible Development of AI, a document drawn up to guide the development and use of artificial intelligence in an ethical and responsible manner.


One of the other challenges of AI is to know who holds the copyright on a text or a work generated by AI. Since AI can generate content such as texts, images and videos, this raises the question of who owns the rights to a text or image created by an AI?

The question becomes even more complex when we understand how AI works. As mentioned in the section on language models, in its learning process, AI must learn from existing content, often from millions of pieces of data. So if an AI-generated image is based on an image created by another photographer, does the original photographer own any copyright in the AI-generated image?

Traditionally, copyright is granted to an individual who has created an original work. However, when an AI generates a work, there is no direct human creator. Algorithm-generated works therefore pose a challenge to traditional legal concepts of copyright.

In response to these challenges, some companies, such as OpenAI, have adopted specific policies concerning copyright on content generated by their systems. For example, according to OpenAI’s ChatGPT terms of use, the user who provides input to the AI owns all rights, title and interest in the content generated. This approach aims to clarify ownership and assign copyright to the person who initiated the creative process, i.e. the user, rather than to the AI developer or the AI itself.

Not all copyright issues have yet been resolved, and will certainly need to be over the next few years. By establishing clear and fair rules, we can encourage innovation while protecting the rights and interests of creators, developers and users.

Confidential data

Many companies are asking themselves the crucial question: “Can I put my confidential data into an AI tool?” This question is all the more pertinent given that confidential data often represents valuable and sensitive assets for companies. So what happens to your data when you integrate it into an AI tool?

AI tools, especially cloud-based ones, often store data on remote servers. It’s essential to check where your data will be stored, and what security measures are in place to protect this sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Each AI provider has specific privacy policies and terms of use. These documents explain how user data is collected, used and shared. Some AI tools use user data to improve their models, which should be clearly stated in the terms of use, with the option for users to opt-out of this use.

For example, with ChatGPT, paid accounts (Plus or Teams) offer the option of choosing not to have your information used in AI models. This feature enables companies to strictly control the use of their confidential data and guarantee that it will not be used to improve AI models globally.

To protect your confidential data, choose reputable AI providers and read their privacy policies carefully. Use anonymized data whenever possible, and if possible, take out accounts that offer you the option of keeping your information private.

AI will conquer the world

Another common fear is that AI will become so powerful that it will eventually take control of many spheres of human life, or even “conquer the world”. This fear is often fuelled by science-fiction scenarios and sensationalist stories.

In reality, AI is a tool created and controlled by humans. AI systems are programmed to perform specific tasks and have no will of their own.

AI algorithms work by processing large amounts of data to detect patterns and make predictions. They lack the creativity, contextual understanding and intention of the human spirit.

While fears of AI conquering the world are understandable, they are largely unfounded in the current context of technology. AI, when used responsibly and ethically, has the potential to dramatically improve our daily lives without posing an existential threat. It is important to continue monitoring and regulating its development to ensure that it remains a beneficial ally for mankind.

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Section 3: The uses of artificial intelligence in tourism

Artificial intelligence offers numerous opportunities to improve and optimize operations in the tourism sector. Thanks to its advanced capabilities, AI can transform the way tourism businesses interact with customers, manage their operations and plan their strategies.

Here’s a list of some of the main uses of AI in tourism.

Copywriting and content creation

  • Copywriting / Editing: Assist in writing and editing content for websites, brochures, infolettrs and tourism blogs.
  • Translation: Translate tourist documents quickly and accurately to facilitate communication with international customers.
  • Email or chatbot response: Automate email or chat responses with virtual assistants and chatbots to handle frequent requests and free up time for more complex tasks.
  • Strategic planning: Analyze market trends and data to help develop marketing and development strategies.
  • Brainstorming: Generate innovative and creative ideas in connection with your daily tasks, whether it’s strategic planning, a slogan, a name for a campaign or something else.
  • Social media: Create content, manage and animate social networks by creating captivating and engaging content.

Image and video creation and editing

  • Banner: Generate and edit attractive banner ads for online marketing campaigns.
  • Inspiration: Provide creative ideas for campaign visuals and promotional materials.
  • Website mockup: Help create website mockups, facilitating design and ergonomics.
  • Ideation for logos: Propose logo concepts based on the company’s needs and preferences.
  • Create videos with text: Generate promotional videos including text, images and animations to captivate your audience.
  • Avatar creation: Create digital avatars for explanatory videos or online interactions, making communications more engaging.

Marketing and personalization

  • Advertising (Ad Copy): Create effective advertising copy by analyzing what works best with target audiences.
  • Marketing/communications planning: Analyze data to develop more precise and targeted marketing plans, maximizing the impact of campaigns.
  • Offer personalization: tailor offers and recommendations to customer preferences and behavior, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Operations management and optimization

  • Reservations management: Automate reservations for hotel rooms, restaurants and tourist activities, simplifying the process for customers and staff.
  • Price optimization: Use dynamic pricing algorithms to adjust prices in real time according to demand and competition, thus maximizing revenues.
  • Security and surveillance: Use AI to monitor tourist locations and detect suspicious behavior or emergency situations, improving visitor safety.
  • Itinerary planning: Create customized travel itineraries based on customer preferences, offering unique, tailor-made travel experiences.
  • Scraping: Extract and analyze data from a variety of online sources, providing valuable insights for decision-making.
  • Inventory management: Optimize product and supply inventory management based on demand forecasts.

Training and support

  • Customer service: Answer customers’ voice calls, provide information and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Multilingual chatbots: Provide instant customer support in multiple languages to better serve international customers, enhancing the customer experience.
  • Employee training: use AI simulations to train employees in various customer service scenarios, improving their skills and readiness.

Development and programming

  • Excel or Google Sheets: Automate repetitive tasks in spreadsheets, improving the efficiency of data analysis. AI can also help you create formulas in software such as Excel or Google Sheets.
  • Web application: Using AI to create intelligent web applications that enhance the user experience.

The list of AI applications in the tourism sector is as vast as that of the tools available. The first step in integrating AI is often to identify specific needs in your day-to-day operations, to determine whether there is a particular application capable of optimizing your processes.

By integrating these various AI applications, tourism businesses can not only improve their operational efficiency but also offer more personalized and memorable experiences to their customers.

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Section 4: AI tools

Today, there are over 5,000 different artificial intelligence tools capable of performing a multitude of different tasks.

The reality is that if you’re just starting out, you should focus first and foremost on a text generation tool, because it’s a versatile tool that will help you perform a variety of tasks while familiarizing you with queries (prompts) and machine communication.

Among the multitude of tools available, the pioneer and most widely used to date is ChatGPT from OpenAI. It’s an easy-to-use tool that’s renowned for its ability to understand and respond naturally and consistently, making it an excellent starting point for beginners.

To discover the most effective and relevant tools in the field of artificial intelligence applied to tourism, don’t hesitate to consult our dedicated Tools & Resources page, which presents the main categories of AI tools, with detailed descriptions and a list of the best tools available.

And if you’re curious about our favorites, take a look at our article on the Top 5 AI tools for tourism. We review the most innovative and effective tools to help you optimize your tourism operations.

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Section 5: How to use a text generation tool

To get the most out of AI tools, it’s essential to know how to use them effectively. In this section, we’ll explore key concepts such as queries, prompt engineering and how to formulate optimal queries.

Understanding requests

In the world of text generators, a query, also known as a “prompt”, is the instruction you give to the tool to generate content. Think of a query as a question or a directive you give the machine to help you produce a text. This is the basis of text and image generation tools.

For example, if you want to write an article about the best vacation destinations in Quebec, your query might be: “Write an article about the best vacation destinations in Quebec, including travel tips and recommended activities.”

To maximize the effectiveness of AI responses, it’s crucial to formulate clear, precise queries.

Formulating an effective request

The key to getting satisfactory results with a text generator lies in the formulation of your query. As the saying goes: “Garbage in, garbage out”. If your initial request isn’t effective, the result will be disappointing.

The acronym ROF (Role, Objective, Format) is an excellent framework for structuring your request to achieve the best possible results. Here’s how to use this method:

Step 1 – Role

The first step is to clearly define the role you want AI to play. This step includes background on your business and who your target audience is for the content you generate.

Good wording often starts with: “I want you to act like…” and then indicate the role you want the tool to play. At this stage, you can ask him to do things like:

  • An expert in social networking
  • An editor
  • A corporate organization consultant
  • A life coach
  • A CFO
  • A tourist guide
  • Or any other role you like.

Next, you need information about your organization, the name, who you are and who your target audience is.

For step 1, a good example of a prompt would be the following:

“I want you to act as a marketing director for Voiles en Voiles, a family adventure park with aerial courses located in Montreal, Quebec. Voiles en Voiles’ target audience is families in the greater Montreal area who enjoy outdoor family activities.”

By defining the role and context, you help AI to understand its positioning and adapt its language and advice accordingly.

Step 2 – Objective

The objective is the central element of your request. It describes what you expect from AI and the results you hope to achieve. Be specific about how you want the AI to help you, and what you want the end result to be. Include all relevant details so that the AI fully understands your request, and don’t hesitate to give examples of what you want.

For example, you could ask the text generator to:

  • Writing
  • Explain
  • Brainstormer
  • Translate
  • Summarize
  • Making a list
  • Analyze

For step 2, a good example of a prompt would be the following:

“I want you to help me develop a content strategy to increase engagement on social networks by 20% in six months.”

By clearly defining the objective, you guide AI towards results that precisely meet your needs.

Step 3 – Format

The last step is to specify the format of the response you expect. This includes tone, style, language, length and any other constraints you deem relevant. By giving these indications, you enable the AI to produce content that is perfectly aligned with your expectations.

In the format step, you can include any constraints that are relevant to the result you want to achieve, for example:

  • Tone: You could ask the AI to use a professional, humorous, persuasive or informal tone.
  • Format: You could ask for information in a table, bulleted list, graphic or other format.
  • Language: You can request the results in English, French, Spanish or even Esperanto.
  • Desired length: You can specify the number of words required.

By specifying the format, you ensure that the content generated will not only be relevant, but also usable as is, with little or no modification required.

Test, test and test

Using AI tools effectively starts with mastering queries. By defining the role and context, indicating the objective, and specifying the format, you give AI all the information it needs to produce content that meets your exact expectations.

Feel free to experiment with different prompts and adjust your methods according to the results obtained. It’s really by testing that you’ll be able to find what works for you.

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We hope this guide has succeeded in demystifying artificial intelligence and showing how it can be a valuable asset for the tourism sector. AI may seem complex at first, but with the right information and a little practice, it becomes accessible to everyone, even beginners.

Whether you’re a small business or a large organization, AI offers incredible opportunities to improve your operations, personalize your customers’ experience and optimize your marketing. By integrating these technologies, you can not only increase your efficiency, but also offer innovative and memorable services to your visitors.

Remember, AI is there to help you, not to replace you. It can automate repetitive tasks, analyze complex data and even create content, leaving you more time to focus on what you do best: delivering exceptional customer experiences.

We encourage you to explore the tools and techniques presented in this guide. Start small, experiment and see how AI can transform your tourism business. With a thoughtful and ethical approach, artificial intelligence can become a key partner in your future success.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of AI and tourism. We wish you every success in your projects, and hope you find this guide useful in your journey towards innovation and excellence.

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Note: We would like to inform you that artificial intelligence has been used as a tool to help with the content of this article and the creation of images. All published content has been carefully checked, edited and approved by the authors of this article to ensure its quality and relevance.


  • Jean-Philippe Duchesneau

    Jean-Philippe est copropriétaire du Groupe Écorécréo et de Voiles en Voiles. Il est également membre du Groupe de Travail Intelligence Artificielle et Tourisme où il contribue à explorer les opportunités offertes par l'IA dans le secteur touristique.

    Il peut être contacté sur LinkedIn pour discuter d'IA en tourisme.